Effective debt management is not just about the interest you pay, but also the type of assets you’re investing in and prioritising your debts. There are two basic types of debt we use in our everyday lives:
What’s inefficient debt?
Inefficient debt is used to buy goods, services and assets that don’t generate any income. This means you need to rely on your own income sources and assets to repay this debt. Also, the interest cost on this type of debt is not tax deductible. Examples include home loans, credit cards and personal loans. This type of debt can impact other wealth building opportunities. Generally speaking, it is better to reduce this type of debt as quickly as possible and try to repay those charging the highest interest rate first. There are a number ways this can be done, such as consolidating your debts into the loan with the lowest interest rate.

Margin loans
Others take out special investment loans – often called margin loans. You can also borrow a lump sum with regular amounts to add to your investment – known as instalment gearing. Since the interest costs are usually tax deductible, gearing can be a tax-effective strategy. With margin loans, lenders allow a maximum gearing level known as the debt to asset ratio (or loan to value ratio – LVR). If markets fall and the value of your investment drops, a margin lender may make a margin call, requiring you to put up more money at short notice to restore the LVR. You might have to offer more security or even sell some of your asset holdings at current prices to bring your gearing down to the right level.
Retirees should consider how comfortable they are taking on more debt or focussing on eliminating their debt. Margin loans should only be considered by investors who are comfortable with an above-average level of risk. As any investment professional will explain, an opportunity should not be considered for its tax effectiveness. It needs to be measured by how strong the underlying asset is, and its potential for growth. Tax-effectiveness is a method which helps improve investment viability – it should not drive the decision.
Sydney West Financial services and Strategic Wealth Financial Services provides debt management advice in Bella Vista. Contact us on PH 02 8824 7881.